RAMDOM: Default on "Cities, Art and Urban Regeneration"

                I was recently invited to Lecce, Italy to participate in the RAMDOM: Default Residency and Masterclass on "Cities, Art, and Urban Regeneration". I had the privilege of meeting, discussing, and working with artists from across Italy and the world on the state of cultural production in so-called "post-industrial" spaces. Work is still ongoing, (and will be updated here), although there was a small exhibition at the end of the residency at the Archiviazione, an old tabocco warehouse/processing plant, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, on the subject of "Walls". 

The diptych above and video below were part of a collaboration with UK performance artist BEAN and Milan-based Sergio Racanati. We were collectively interested in the infrastructural hinterland surrounding Lecce, and the half-finished buildings filled with dumped industrial detritus found within. Speaking for myself, these landscapes offer a more nuanced view of the effects of late-capitalism on the urban landscape than the familiar aestheticized inner-city industrial relics turned art galleries and loft spaces. 

Below was from part of the same "dérive" a video/documentation which was accompanied by an installation by Sergio Racanati at the Archiviazione. 

Also in the wall show at Arvhiviazione was this video, the result of a spontaneous collaboration, performance with Stefano Cagol, and some existing portions of the "Wall Archive".